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CAMaster Stinger I Router

"Submersible ROVs can be incredibly useful tools for marine scientists and other marine professionals.  There are currently very capable ROVs that are quite expensive, and others that are inexpensive, but very limited.  Baxter's students will be using SolidWorks to design the ROV in conjunction with the CAMaster Stinger CNC Router. 


Baxter's ROV will be just as capable as the more expensive ROVs, at half the price, will have five degrees of freedom and be able to transmit video and sensor data back to an Operator Control Unit (OCU) on shore.  Students will be responsible for the entire design and construction of the ROV. 


While the project will be spearheaded at Baxter, students from other schools in the Portland area will be participating in the project. After the completion of the ROV,  the school and community will have a sophisticated tool to study the local marine environment."


Jon Amory, Engineering/Robotics Teacher

Baxter Academy of Technology and Science

Portland, Maine


The CAMaster Stinger has a 2' x 3' capacity with a 5" Z depth. It also features a 36" recoil lathe which allows for a 5" diameter turning. This equipment is being purchased using student raised funds as well as grants from The Jebediah Foundation, The Perloff Foundation and the Maine Space Grant Consortium.

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