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Travelers of the Future, Beware! Mars is no place for the faint-hearted. Arid, rocky, cold and apparently lifeless, the Red Planet offers few hospitalities. Fans of extreme sports can rejoice, however, for the Red Planet will challenge even the hardiest souls among us. Home to the largest volcano in the solar system, the deepest canyon and crazy weather and temperature patterns, Mars looms as the ultimate lonely planet destination.


The Mars Project was developed by Bob Richardson at Houlton Jr/Sr High School in Houlton, Maine and implemented in the 2012/13 school year.  It is designed to engage middle school and high students in the science and engineering associated with Mars exploration, making extensive use of Lego robotics and energy add-ons. 


During the 2013/14 school year, additional schools will be utilizing curriculum created by Mr. Richardson to run their own Mars Exploration Projects:


  • Carrabec High School, Carrabec, ME

  • Edmunds Elementary School, Dennyville, ME

  • Perry Elementary School, Perry, ME

  • St. Stephen Middle School, St. Stephen, NB

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